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Post by JanBros »

somewhere 2005 :

start of the project. the idea to built this bike grew after having a ride out with some friends. Me on my KR-1S with the misses at the back, together with a ZX9-R, a Gixxer 1000 and 2 blades (who all had nobody on the pillion). it wasn't exactly sightseeing what we were doing :mrgreen: , so I really really had to push my little stroker to it's limit's to keep up with the big bikes, but I wasn't the slowest of the pack 8) . But it wasn't very comfy for the misses , specially with all the gearchanges and fuel-consumption went through the roof (I needed 5 tanks forthe trip, the others managed with just 3 :shock: ). So I was thinking of buying another bike with a bigger engine.
But I just love my little stroker (already have it for almost 10 years and just can't get tired of it 8) ) and decided I didn't want a bigger/heavier bike, I wanted the same one, just with more torgue :idea:

so the target was set : to built a bike as fast as a my streetfighter KR1S (65-70BHP) but with much more torgue :


and with a reliable engine (so obvious it had to be a 4-stroker :( :mrgreen: ) . So the search was on for a suitable 4-stroke engine that fit's the bill.

a tuned monocylinder would be the easiest, but tuning = less reliable, so had to be a twin. my first choice would have been a Ducati 748, but the L-configuration would mean that the front cylinder would end up touching the front discs :shock: . a paralel twin (TDM/TRX) is too big for the frame beams, so had to be a V-twin. only one powerfull enough and small enough for my likings is the SV650 engine. an Aprilia SXV 550 can't be described as very reliable :mrgreen:

So I got an SV650 engine and started working.
I had a broken KR1S frame (headstock ripped off), on which I could try no mather what to see if the engine fits, and it does 8) :



06/07/06 :

lot's off work trying to figure out the best position for the engine, and had to re-design the rear suspension, as the rear cylinder now sits where originaly the top-mount for the suspension was.

I made bolt-on plates for the frame and swing arm with all the nescesary holes for the engine mounts and altered suspension mountings to be transfered to a good frame :



had to cut a part off the subframe for the engine to fit and being able to remove the cover for maintenance , so subframe will need re-inforcement to :


07/09 :

because I need an exit for the rear exhaust, I needed to make the hole in the swingarm bigger, put the rear suspension straight up, move it to the left and back as much as possible, so enough space is created at the front right for the exhaust to go through the swing arm :




first mok-up rear exhaust :



RGV250 VJ22 rear wheel is in, chain aligned with front sprocket (had to remove some material on the inside off the frame for the chain) :


17/10/05 :

started with the good frame :

all yellow has to go :




done and sandblasted , on the swing arm you can se the mount for the dog bones allready moved to the left side :


plates mounted to drill holes :


supports made up :



29-12-05 :

top suspension mount welded , subframe reinforced (extra tube + plates welded on the outside) and made bars so the suspension-forces are being guided back to the main frame, subframe can't handle them :




never mind the rear shock being turned to he side : this is just temporarly, still looking for a suitable one with seperate reservoir :wink:

27-01-06 :

throttle bodies with airfilters made to use as little room as possible :


gonna use an RGV250 fuel tank, because it will hold more fuel than an original would after the operation to make room for bodies/airfilters.

bottom cut out :


all done 8) :


I was hoping for at least 10 liters, it's almost 13 so well pleased with it :D

welded 2 pieces at the bottom so it aligns nicely with the side covers :



20-03-2006 :

not much room to fit a radiator, so have been searching for a while for a suitible one with the least height as possible that could fit between the front cylinderhead and the frame. ended up with the top radiator of a VFR400RR (which is about the only one that would fit :? ) :



front end is from a ZX6-R '95. radiator is too small and no room to fit a fan behind, so will need a second radiator.

got a complete Bandit400 rear wheel/disc/caliper. mainly because the Bandit uses the same 525 chain as the SV (RGV 520), so no need to have special sprockets made up, and this way I can keep the RGV wheel for my stroker :


17-05-2006 :

put a brace on the swingarm (for the looks and to cope with the increased torgue) :




21/06/06 :

loom is in the bike. that was at least as tough as putting the engine in :shock: finding enough space for all the smaller things like coils, the regulator, CDI, ... when almost all the space is taken by the engine was not easy :?



ain't it great when your baby takes it's first steps/rolls :D




05-02-2007 :

dashboard mounted 8) :


had to reposition the clutchcable, on it's original place, it should go straight into the frame, now I've put it a bit more to the front and angled it :


bought some SV650 footrests and made temporarily brackets to fit them, along with a gear change shaft :


18/05/2007 :

finaly bought a suitable rear suspension : a technoflex fully adjustable with hydraulic spring adjuster from a GSXR-1100, and battery case made :


because of the different length of the shock, I needed to make a new suspension part so that the +/- 120mm of wheel travel corresponds to the +/- 50mm of suspension travel of the shock. first thing I milled on my newly bought mill 8) :


update 26-07-07 :

IT'S ALIVE :arrow: CLICK 8)

fuel pump and presure regulator are from injection car's, but don't know if I'm gonna keep them. Have no suitable space in the fuel tank to put one in, so I need one that's not mounted in the tank, and one that I can find a place for (of which I'm running out fast :? )

13-10-2008 :

finaly, the fuel system is ready \:D/ I'm not that happy with it 'cause it's rather complicated (wish I had a carburetor-engine :( ), but it's what it is :D

mounted a first model Hayabusa fuelpump/regulator under the pilion seat (it's a rather huge bitch and there was no place for it anywhere else.


But it doesn't bleed itself (not low on fuel anyway, with full tank it does, so that is a problem when I should switch to reserve), so had to put in another fuelpump from a carburetor-bike to feed the Busa pump :


and had to put in another fuel tap for the overflow of the pump :


3-11-08 :

did my first ride today 8) :

vrooaa vrooaa

btw : my doughter scares 'cause she sees the camera :D :D

16-11-08 :

made my first adapter for the footpegs this WE, not as perfect as it was in my head, but ok for a first attempt :mrgreen: :


04-01-09 :

watercooling circuit is finaly ready, tested today and works just fine 8)
lower rad is from a Gilera Runner GP50 (or something like that), fan is from a Transalp. I just hope that there is enough space between the rad and the front wheel. If not, I can completely redesign the fan-housing and gain 1cm, but I thinck it will be ok.



the small waterhose from the junction to the upper rad is for the system to bleed itself, since the pump has to suck the coolingwater from the lower radiator.

since neither of the 2 rad's have a mounting for the thermo-switch, I made one myself and placed it in the hose between them :


next problem though : need to find a spot to fit the oil-cooler :?

15-01-09 :

oil cooler is on the bike. used a smaller one. I'm not very happy with how it looks , hope it will attract less attention when all is in black.



finished the sprocketcover. I bought a second one, to cut plastic off and weld it to the other one so it nicely follows the frame. very pleased with the result 8) :



06-03-2009 :

exhausts are on the bike 8)



still need to grind down the welds. and make the silencers less noisy. they were already openend up, and now the cat's are also removed ('cause I had to alter the angle from the tube to the silencers), there is nothing in there :mrgreen: it sounds like a MotoGP bike at the moment :twisted: I'l post a "soundtrack" tomorrow :D

View My Video]SOUND[/url]

a new thing on the to-do-list though : no more room for the side-stand, so will have to move it to the front and attach it to the engine :?


another problrm solved 8)




new forks ready to build in 8) :



yokes, outer tubes and fender are from a 1st model Fireblade, inner tubes and all suspensionparts are from a CBR600RR '04, and a self-made stem. cost off all this : about 150 euro :D

found out something about Kawa-wheels : I always thought that they (ZXR400/750, ZX6/7/9, ZZR, ZRX, Zephyr, ...) were all interchangeable and that the only difference was the design (appart from bearrings, but those can be bushed) . but a ZXR wheel wouldn't fit (not enough room for the discs to pass through the legs). so I examined all my wheels, and apparently a ZX6 -'95-'96 wheel is about 5mm smaller where the discs are fitted, and that was just enough to go in this fork.

next : mill some adapters for the calipers

13/6/9 :

front is in :D




had some troubles with the high presure fuel pump for the injection and getting fuel to the pump. I always came up a new solution for the next problem, but in the end it gotten so complicated I didn't like it any more.

So I came up with a totaly new solution : ditch the fuel injection and put on some good old carburators from the previous model. just finished today and I'm very pleased with the result 8)



* no more fuel problems
* bike runs better with the carbs (probably due to the fact that the intake air pressure sensor and intake air temperature sensor were not mounted inside the airbox (since I have none :lol: ) but were just placed next to the airfilters.
* it was again a lot off work : had to replace the loom, CDI, throttle bodies, rotor/stator, adjust a lot off connectors and remake to bottom off the fuel tank because off the bigger carbs :? . But with more experience you get better results so allthough the carbs are bigger, the tank now can hold more fuel \:D/
* space under the pilion seat is empty again, so I can put the coolant expansion there as originaly planned (with the injection, I just didn't know where to put it since the fuel pump was under the seat )

loosing the injection also meant loosing it's dashboard. still had an acewell lying arround, so put that on the bike, together with a ZXR400 temperature gauge :


Now getting some more millage with the bike to see if everything keeps on working ok , and then this winter I can take it appart and make it look like a new one =P~ . I started this project somewhere mid 2005, so it's about time it comes to an end :mrgreen: :?


some pictures off how it looks at the moment :





next update on page 7, this post is getting too big :-k
Last edited by JanBros on Sun Jun 25, 2017 12:12 am, edited 53 times in total.
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Post by cardiffcarl »

:shock: Not afraid of a bit of hard work are you mate...looking very tidy...well done.
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Post by alimorg »

Astounds me every time I see it. Fantastic job
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Post by KwakOn »

8) 8) 8) cant wait to hear how it rides.
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Post by JanBros »

took a while, but new update in the first post :wink:
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Post by SHimmer45 »

looks awesome... u should make a kit so we can all have one :)

i have a feeling that it going to be fun keep the front down as that is a rather big rear sprocket, u running standard SV gearing.

btw SV's sound rather good with open pipes on :)
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Post by JanBros »

yes, I'm still working on it, and yes, I will finish it, but not today :lol:

just added some pictuers in the first message :wink:
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Post by 2tanks »

Jan bros your a genius, can't wait to see the finished product, considering having 2 KX 250's lumps crafted together 500 twin :twisted: depends on the cost :roll:
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Post by JanBros »

2tanks wrote:considering having 2 KX 250's lumps crafted together 500 twin :twisted: depends on the cost :roll:
jep considered that, and that's my ultimate dream , but instead, I bought a KX500 engine : CLICK :wink:
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Post by KwakOn »

amazing, people wont believe you have taken a 250cc two stroke paralell twin and made it into a 650cc 4 stroke V twin. I would love to see there faces.
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Post by JanBros »

I wanted to start him today, but got an injection error :( .

found out how to get into dealer-mode, and it appears I'm gonna need an original SV ignition-switch.

but the engine turns over and I have ignition, so I couldn't resist; suo I used some start pilot, and YES, the engine works :D (me happy, 'cause I have it for over 2 years without knowing it worked :lol:
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Post by Darren »


Please post video if you can I woluld love to see and hear the beast go.

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Post by 2tanks »

Well pleased for ya, i did'nt doubt it for 1 minute :D :D
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Post by JanBros »

problems solved 8)

* tip-over-sensor : was in the wrong position. I had marked it with an arrow, but the arrow had to point to the fronu and not up :oops:

* put a resistance in place of the pair-solenoid valve

* it has to be a Kawasaki ignitionswitch, for the steerlock, so had to bypass the the anti-theft that Suzuki builds into the switch. had a search today on "howtodothatonaGixxer" and it works for an SV to 8)

you just have to put a 100ohm resistance (do you say that ?) in the wire that feeds the + to the ECU

but by then, the battery was too flat to start :(

so hopefully tomorrow ... 8)
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Post by sprocket stu »

should have just asked on here i have a slabside gsxr that thinks it is a bandit and they have the same anti theft device
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