Tandem Twin KR250 Facebook page

The place to talk about your Tandem!
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Tandem Twin KR250 Facebook page

Post by StrokerBoy »

Yeah, the F-word, I know... :cry:

dougindoors set up a Facebook page for KR250 owners a few years ago. He's now decided to pull the plug on it, and - even though I really can't afford to get involved in anything else - I've volunteered to take over as Admin on it, rather than let it die altogether.

He set it up as a "Community Page" rather than the usual Group so even if you're a FB regular it's a bit odd to use. I can't find a way to change that yet, but I'm new to all this anyway.

If you hate Facebook, feel free to hate this page too. :lol: But if you like it (or just reluctantly accept it like most of us) then please join in with relevant Tandem Twin posts and info.

Kawasaki KR250 Tandem Twin (x4) & KS-II 80,
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Re: Tandem Twin Facebook page

Post by StrokerBoy »

There's a little bit of interest on the KR250 F*cebook page, we're getting enquiries from people who have old bikes and parts and are looking for help to either restore or sell.

Given the scarcity of bikes, parts and owners, I'm trying to point the FB people at this place and vice-versa, in the hope of helping everyone out.
Kawasaki KR250 Tandem Twin (x4) & KS-II 80,
Yamaha RD350LC,
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Re: Tandem Twin KR250 FaceBook page

Post by KR-1R »

The KR250 community FB page has been re-established as a traditional FB Group

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Re: Tandem Twin KR250 Facebook page

Post by StrokerBoy »

The Facebook KR250 Community page never worked, it was too difficult to navigate and post and even worse to try and look after. I tried to keep it alive once Doug dumped it, but I'm steering people away from it now in favour of the new KR250 Group, which works just like all the other Facebook groups you know and love/hate. Please use this group to share knowledge, spare parts and all the other stuff that helps us all keep our bikes running.

Please note : I didn't create the Community or the Group, and have very little to do with either of them due to total lack of spare time. I am a member on both of course, and I'll contribute where I can, but they're not my pages.
Kawasaki KR250 Tandem Twin (x4) & KS-II 80,
Yamaha RD350LC,
Suzuki GSX-R750RK & RB50 Gag.
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Re: Tandem Twin KR250 Facebook page

Post by JanBros »

f*ck F*uckbook an F*ckerberg
My ultimate goal is to die young as late as possible !
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